Marriage & Family Counseling
Our most important relationships help make life richer and more rewarding. But when it feels like those connections are crumbling around us or we just can’t get on the same page, it takes a toll on every part of our life.
Improving relationships are a big part of what we do here at Clear Creek. Many of our therapists are specially trained in different types of therapy to help you and your partner communicate better, grow closer, and start living the life you dreamed of when you first started falling in love. We know how to help you parent that strong-willed child when nothing you’ve tried seems to be working and we love helping guide you through it. So whether it’s parenting support you’re looking for, help saving or breathing life back into your marriage, or deciding which path to take in a relationship, we’re here to help.
Marriage & Committed Relationships
Here’s what we do:
Gottman Method
The Gottman Method is one that we love here at Clear Creek for helping you improve relationships. It’s practical, it focuses on helping you learn simple skills to better communicate and connect with each other, and it helps you learn better ways to manage conflict in your relationship. It’s a very effective therapy which is another reason so many of our therapists love Gottman!
Discernment Counseling
When one or both of you aren’t sure whether to try marriage counseling or go ahead and pursue divorce, discernment counseling can help you think through each path and clarify your choice. This brief therapy (5 sessions or less) is designed to help you move out of indecision and figure out what’s right for you.
Erotic Blueprints
Erotic Blueprints is kind of like the intersection between the Five Long Languages and Intimacy. This method helps you learn to communicate who you each are erotically to improve your sex life and grow your connection with each other.
Pre-marital Counseling
If you’re planning to get married and you want to start the relationship off on the right foot or you’re already aware of some challenges you and your partner need to work through, pre-marital counseling can help.
Relationship Therapists:
Megan Smith
Larry Clark
Grace Hodgson
Memorie MacLeod
Lonnie Mullet
Triple P
Parenting is one of the most important things we do in life and we get so little preparation for it! Navigating a strong willed personality can be a lot more challenging than we expected. Triple P is a practical, skills based method with tons of parenting strategies to help make life easier and calmer with your kids.
Parents DBT Group
The teen years can feel like a roller coaster for the whole family. Sometimes it can feel like that roller coaster has jumped the track entirely and life at home is overwhelming and exhausting. DBT is a skills based program that we offer for you and your teenager—one is a teen group, the other a parenting group—to help you calm the chaos and work together for a more peaceful home.
Parenting Therapists:
Grace Hodgson
Larry Clark
Megan Smith
Lonnie Mullet
Memorie Metzler